When my oldest was born she needed a haircut at one month old! Yes, I had to sneak into her room while she was sleeping with safety scissors and clip away her bangs so she could see. Then her first pigtails were at 6 weeks old! (yes that is her in the picture) I still can't believe it has been 8 years.... I guess that is how I became more and more creative with hair - 8 years of practice!
Well, when she was an infant I learned a few tricks and I also learned a few things to stay away from. I will start with those!
#1 NEW and NOT IMPROVED! While shopping I came across Ouchless Rubber bands. Of course I thought, what could be better for my baby. I bought them and took them home. On the same trip I purchased scalp sunscreen (more about that later) I used the rubber bands and the sunscreen at the same time. Much to my surprise I saw the rubber bands disintegrate in front of my eyes - I almost died! As a new mom I FREAKED OUT and wrote a letter to the sunscreen company as I assumed it had to be the sunscreen. I thought "What the heck did I put on my baby's skin!?!?"
Much to my embarrassment I soon learned the truth, it wasn't the sunscreen but the lovely "ouchless" rubber bands that disintegrate before your very eyes :-( No, I never sent the apology to the sunscreen company ( can we just blame that on being a busy first time mom and not on my pure embarrassment!?)
Needless to say I STRONGLY recommend that you use the old traditional rubberbands that HURT when coming out. You may think I am crazy but no, my kids don't scream each night as I have a special way of removing them. You have to be VERY careful, but I remove them using a cuticle cutter. I simply use the tip to lift the rubber band and SNIP! If you don't have a cuticle cutter, use the edge of a comb and lift the rubber band, then you can use any nail cutter. WARNING: husbands with large hands don't do this well and you will end up with kids that look like Alfalfa from the Little Rascals.
Please look below to see the ones I am speaking of so there is no confusion. The rubber bands I use are super cheap and usually you can buy the packs of 150 or so at the 99 cents store or even at your local drugstore for $1.50
Of course I should say I am not promoting the companies (or getting PAID :-) but the truth is that this is who I use so I guess they are just lucky for the free promo!
Here are the silicone ones that disintegrated - you can usually tell because they are described as OUCHLESS and are shiny... they are usually also advertised as silicone bands too:
Now.... not to confuse you, these bands are also advertised as "ouchless" and are amazing. In fact, I don't think we could live without them in our home. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THESE!

#2 SUNSCREEN: Remember the company I wrote to.... Yea well, I actually LOVE that company and use their product daily - even now! Baby Blanket has the best scalp sunscreen. It comes in these wonderful spray bottles that you can spray in small amounts directly into your child's hair. You only use a very small amount so it lasts quite a while. Because this is made specifically for the scalp you don't have to worry about white flakes in their hair, greasy hair or any of the other awful messes regular sunscreen causes. I strongly urge you to put sunscreen in the "parts" of your child's hair. It is amazing how quickly your child can burn. If you can't find it or simply don't want to buy additional sunscreen, you can apply regular sunscreen with a Q-Tip. I highly advise you not to use regular spray sunscreen! Your child will have greasy hair with the look of dandruff.
#3 HAIRSPRAY: Oh all these companies have improved things through the years and with their improvements have come their "improved" price tags. The truth is that in order to keep your child's braids in (or any hairdo) for school, sports, dance performance or holiday you WILL need hairspray. It isn't simply for curls, it is for your sanity. Moms, don't waste your salon quality hairspray or you will see dollar signs as the spray hits their hair. Go to your store and remember the 80's. Yup, the good 'ol 80's where the $2.00 Aqua Net did the trick. Guess what?? IT STILL DOES and it still costs the same amount! With two girls in gymnastics and the DNA that inevitably gives them a head full of frizz, this is a staple in our home.
#4 The final staple in our home is also from "back in the day", but more from the 90's than the 80's! Remember having the spray bottles filled with water we used? I used it to scrunch my hair. Well why did we get rid of them? Grab one at Target or any other drugstore for $1-$4 and keep it handy to make any hairstyle a million times easier for you! If your child is anything like mine, this also does wonders when you discover that food has magically jumped into their hair (my little one always seems to lean over her plate and wa-la! FOOD IN THE HAIR! ughhh) Well, I can't tell you the arguments and tears this saves us! It also tames the frizz and makes braiding so much easier.