Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't Ask, Just SIT... and watch SpongeBob :-)

This was before I grabbed the hairspray :-) After I saw it on
the camera I grabbed the spray! 
So this morning Dani comes downstairs and as she takes her regular position at our kitchen stool she dares to say, "Mama, what hairdo are we doing today?”  Unfortunately she received the answer that she dreads.  "Ummmm, I don't know Dani so be nice and quiet so I can think and here is the TV remote... I think SpongeBob is on."  By the way, thank goodness for morning cartoons and nighttime singing and dance shows that keep my kids quiet and calm while Mama is creative.  (Yes, I capitalize Mama - my friends (Janelle) laugh that I have actually capitalized it as my name!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
So, as she watched TV, I started and pondered... I knew I wanted to braid and for some reason I was in a mood to knot her hair.  So I embarked:                                                                                             

Awww hairspray, much better! 
*  I sectioned her hair into three even sections at the top.  
*  I secured two of the sections so they were out of my way.
* I then planned on sectioning each of the 3 sections into 3 sections but I started by only grabbing the 1st section.  I used a bobby pin to hold down the rest of the hair, as it tends to "jump in" 
*  I then did I regular every-day easy braid on the first section.  At the end I used a large band to secure it. (Did this so I could remove it easily)
*  Then I took that braid and near the scalp I tied the hair into a KNOT.  Then I flipped the braid forward to get it out of the way.  
*  I then grabbed another section (section 2 of 3) and began to braid but I pulled the first braid into the braid (simply by incorporating it into the middle section of the braid).  As I made my way down the braid I slip the initial band off the first braid... hold on to it and use it to secure the 2nd braid.  
*  Then, once again tie it in a knot close to the scalp.
 When you complete the above secure all the braids with smaller tighter rubber band and add a bow or clip. 

Once again the conversation went like this in our home... "Honey, go pick out a clip" (I simply received a LOOK and the shoulders sunk so far down I thought they would hit the floor) Dani got off the chair, walked two steps to my hair "bag-o-tricks" and picked one of my ribbons.  In other words... Mama, I am too lazy to go upstairs and get one of my cool bows!  Ughhhh oh well, Mama was too lazy to argue :-)                                       
I have to say this hairdo took a bit longer, but SOOOO CUTE.  The more I thought of it, the more I thought how much you can do for it!!! FLOWER GIRLS, EASTER, even older girls can use this.... add some jewels into each knot and it would look AMAZING. You can also do cascading curls on the hair you leave down... needless to say I wasn't going to take the time this morning to do this.                                                                                                                           
Also the knots are small enough not to bother gymnasts or dancers for shows or competitions.  This hairdo would look great (especially with glitter spray and a high bun or high ponytail can be incorporated into it instead of leaving it down.  In fact, I will be throwing it into a ponytail right after school for practice

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